Published: 11 October 2023

The Road to Freelance Hairdressing Success

The Winding Road to Freelance Hairdressing Joy

Becoming a freelance hairdresser takes passion, dedication, and no small amount of courage. It is a path fraught with challenges, but for those willing to put in the hard yards, the rewards can be great. This career offers the ultimate flexibility and freedom to be your own boss, combined with the creative satisfaction of working with clients to bring their hair dreams to life. So if you feel the call of the scissors, what does the roadmap to freelance success look like? While there is no single route, there are some key waypoints to guide you on this freelance hairdressing journey.

Get Qualified

hair stylist levels

The foundations of any solid freelance business are your skills and expertise. Complete an accredited hairdressing qualification, whether that be an NVQ or other certification, to build your technical abilities. An apprenticeship in a salon is a great way to log practical hours under the guidance of experienced stylists. Supplement this with specialised training in your specific interests, be it cutting, colouring, styling, or extensions. Remember that learning never stops in this industry, so commit to ongoing education through courses and seminars. Stay inspired by the latest trends and techniques. Qualifications signal credibility with clients and allow you to command higher rates.

Gain Salon Experience

Before going solo, spend time honing your skills in an established salon. This provides invaluable experience of how the industry operates, from managing client bookings to developing your style. Build a portfolio of work and a loyal following. Observe how senior stylists interact with customers and the standards they uphold. Learn the business side, including using salon software and managing stock. Start gathering professional contacts. This real-world training creates a solid foundation for launching your own freelance career.

Define Your Brand

Hairdressing recruitment

What makes you unique as a hairdresser? Define your personal brand and area of expertise that sets you apart. For example, you may specialise in balayage colouring, curly hair cutting, or updos for weddings.Create a logo, website, and social media presence that reflects your brand identity. This gives potential clients a window into your distinctive style and specialisms. Promote and be consistent with your brand across all touchpoints, from business cards to salon décor. Your brand is a key tool for attracting the right type of clients.

Build a Client Base

Starting out, focus on growing your client list. Offer promotions, attend events, and leverage social media. Provide exceptional service and encourage referrals. Be patient – building a loyal customer base takes time and dedication. Consider renting a chair or space in an established salon to take advantage of their customers. Attend hair shows or offer your services for weddings and events. Aim for a diverse clientele rather than relying on a small number of customers. An extensive client list provides security if some bookings cancel.

Set Your Rates

freelance hairdressing

Calculate your service rates based on your experience level, overheads, and the pricing of competitors. As you gain expertise, you can increase your fees. Offer packages and loyalty discounts to incentivise bookings. Be confident in putting a premium price on your skills and brand. Value your work and avoid undercutting industry standards. Profit rather than turnover should be your bottom line. Review pricing annually and adjust based on rising costs or changes in what clients will bear. Be flexible – some jobs merit higher fees than others.

Get Organised

Running a smooth freelance business requires organisation and administration skills. Invest in salon management software for booking systems, client records, and tracking your finances. Diary management is essential to juggle your schedule. Create treatment menus, information sheets, and consultancy forms. Have contracts and consent forms for new clients. Implement cancellation policies and payment terms. Stay on top of supplies by keeping detailed stock records. Maintain hygiene and safety standards. Organization minimises stress and maximises productivity.

Keep Learning

Complacency is the enemy of any freelance career. Continue building your skills and knowledge through classes, conferences, and certifications. Follow hairdressing influencers and trends. Stay curious, creative, and open to new techniques. Seek feedback from clients and mentors. Reflect on your work honestly. Self-improvement never stops for passionate hairdressers. The path to becoming a successful freelance stylist isn‘t always smooth, but by following these steps, you can create a rewarding career on your own terms. Remember that tenacity and a tireless commitment to your craft are key – enjoy the journey!

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